Mar 2019

Why Equipment Calibration Management Software is Important
Calibration is one of the primary processes used to maintain instrument accuracy and it is crucial for generating...
Mar 2019
Calibration is one of the primary processes used to maintain instrument accuracy and it is crucial for generating...
Feb 2019
Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS) instruments are widely used in metabolomics and proteomics research. With...
Jan 2019
Life science and pharmaceutical companies are under increasing pressure to reduce costs and improve efficiency. There is no...
Dec 2018
2018 was a super year for Labguru. Our major aim is to comply with our customer requests and make sure our product answers...
Dec 2018
How do you keep track of your lab orders? Still using a clipboard with a pencil tied to it? Using an excel spreadsheet? If...
Oct 2018
Working in Biodata and developing Labguru over the years allowed me to meet scientists from many companies and exposed me to...
Sep 2018
Lab inventory management is an important, yet mundane task and often overlooked task. Effective lab inventory management can...
Aug 2018
Jul 2018
As drug discovery costs rise according to a study1 from 2016, to 2.87 Billion USD, R&D expenses have become a pain point for...